Monday, November 7, 2016

Natural Remadies to reduce hair loss

  1. Egg

Egg has several ingredients that can prevent or control hair fall. It is a rich source of sulphur and ahs phosphorous, selenium, iodine, zinc and protein. All these promote hair growth. 
  • Take the white of one egg and mix in a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Beat to give a paste-like consistency and apply to the entire scalp and hair.
  • Keep it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water and a mild shampoo

2. Hibiscus
Also called shoe flower, hibiscus nourishes hair, prevents premature greying, treats dandruff and also controls hair fall.  
  • Crush a few flowers and mix sesame or coconut oil to make a paste.
  • Apply on the scalp and hair and leave it on for a few hours.
  • Rinse off with cold water using a mild shampoo.

3.Onion juice
Onion is a rich source of sulphur which helps in hair growth by increasing collagen production. Using its juice on the scalp can help in controlling hair fall. 
  • Chop one onion finely and squeeze out its juice.
  • Apply the juice on your scalp and let it stay for 15 minutes.
  • Now rinse with a mild shampoo and let your hair air dry.
  • Use this twice a week to see results.
4. Garlic 
Like onion, garlic too has high sulphur content. This is the reason why it is used in traditional hair regrowth medicines. 
  • Crush a few cloves of garlic.
  • Add coconut oil to it and boil the mixture for a few minutes.
  • Let it cool down a bit and then massage it on your scalp.
  • You can leave it on for 30 minutes and then wash your hair.
  • Do this two times in a week.
5. Henna
It is mostly used as a natural hair conditioner but henna has properties that can strengthen your hair from the root. If you combine it with other ingredients, it makes for a better hair pack. 
  • Take 250 ml of mustard oil in a tin can and add 60g of washed and dried henna leaves.
  • Now boil the mixture the leaves burn and then filter the oil.
  • Massage your scalp with it on a regular basis and store the rest in an airtight bottle.
  • You can make another henna pack by mixing dry henna powder with curd.
  • Apply it on scalp and hair and wash off after one hour. If you desire beautiful hair

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